Apostolic Passion – “Give Me Souls”
The volume Passione Apostolica – “Da mihi animas,” which the Salesian Biblical Association is offering, contains a series of reflections with a biblical background on the central theme of the 26th General Chapter. In the Chapter, it was our desire to “rediscover the origin of our charism, the aim of our mission and the future of our Congregation”. In our apostolic life, we have been immersed into untiring activity. Like the first Apostles in Jerusalem, we are challenged to respond to social and pastoral problems that emerge from the world of youth and simple folk.
Author: VICENT Rafael sdb and PASTORE Corrado sdb (eds.)
Year: 2009;
Pages: 330;
ISBN : 978-81-87370-51-2
Price : ₹250, $ 12
The volume Passione Apostolica – “Da mihi animas,” which the Salesian Biblical Association is offering, contains a series of reflections with a biblical background on the central theme of the 26th General Chapter. In the Chapter, it was our desire to “rediscover the origin of our charism, the aim of our mission and the future of our Congregation”. In our apostolic life, we have been immersed into untiring activity. Like the first Apostles in Jerusalem, we are challenged to respond to social and pastoral problems that emerge from the world of youth and simple folk.
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