Be Holy as I Am Holy in Marriage: The Three Altars of Holiness


This book is an authentic contribution in the field of theology of marriage. The book expresses the biblical, theological and pastoral dimensions of marriage and family life. The author beautifully weaves in theological strains with biblical references the greatness and holiness of the Sacrament of marriage expressed in the celebration of the three altars by which every Christian couple is led to the heavenly abode of God Himself.

Author: MATTAM Zacharias SDB
Year: 2020;
Pages: 237;
ISBN : 978-81-943687-5-5
Price ₹200, $8


MATTAM Zacharias SDB


This book is an authentic contribution in the field of theology of marriage. The book expresses the biblical, theological and pastoral dimensions of marriage and family life. The author beautifully weaves in theological strains with biblical references the greatness and holiness of the Sacrament of marriage expressed in the celebration of the three altars by which every Christian couple is led to the heavenly abode of God Himself.


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