Christ is All and in All


Dwelling as it does on the question of breaking down national, religious, cultural and social barriers Col 3:11, refers to the socio-anthropological dimension of the “new self” and a new community and as such should find a special resonance in the Indian situation which is so riddled with caste, social, linguistic and rite-based divisions.

Author: THEKKEKARA Mathew sdb
Year: 1999;
Pages: 211;
ISBN : 81-87370-06-8
Price 140, $ 6




Dwelling as it does on the question of breaking down national, religious, cultural and social barriers Col 3:11, refers to the socio-anthropological dimension of the “new self” and a new community and as such should find a special resonance in the Indian situation which is so riddled with caste, social, linguistic and rite-based divisions.


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