“Don Bosco and the Virtues of His People” is authored by Fr. Natale Cerrato, a Salesian and native of Piedmont. In it, he reflects on the traits of the Piedmontese people and how these traits influenced both his life and that of Don Bosco. Drawing from the first part of the new constitution of the Salesian Society, the book outlines the characteristics that define its spirit and educational philosophy, consistently referencing Don Bosco as a model for this way of life. Salesian Constitution Article 21 states: “The Lord has given us Don Bosco as our father and teacher. We study and imitate him, admiring the splendid blend of nature and grace in him. He was a man deeply enriched by the virtues of his people, open to earthly realities, and profoundly a man of God, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, living as if he saw the invisible.” Readers of this volume, likely to be interested in understanding Don Bosco’s emotions and characteristics, will find that his life and temperament reflect those of typical Piedmontese individuals of the 1800s. For today’s Salesian, it is salutary for him to strive to embody these virtues, which are so characteristic of Don Bosco, albeit in the twenty-first century setting. This should inspire anyone to exclaim, “Like father, like son.”.
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