Essentials of Formal Logic


This book has been compiled for the beginners who intend to complete a full course of Philosophical studies. This book is a General Introduction to logic, dealing with formal or deductive logic. Logic, being the grammar of philosophy and thought, prepares the young minds to wonder and think validly. This book is intended to enable the beginners to detect the intellectual operations that are valid and invalid. It teaches the norms of reduction, judgment and various syllogisms.

Author: SOOSAI Sahaya Celestine, C.PP.S
Year: 2012;
Pages: 98;
ISBN : 978-81-87370-68-0
Price : ₹ 65, $ 4


SOOSAI Sahaya Celestine, C.PP.S


This book has been compiled for the beginners who intend to complete a full course of Philosophical studies. This book is a General Introduction to logic, dealing with formal or deductive logic. Logic, being the grammar of philosophy and thought, prepares the young minds to wonder and think validly. This book is intended to enable the beginners to detect the intellectual operations that are valid and invalid. It teaches the norms of reduction, judgment and various syllogisms.


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