Hesed-Prayerful Relfections on the Mercy of God
The book “Hesed – Prayerful Reflections on the Mercy of God” is a collection of retreat talks that will supply sufficient material for reflection and meditation to anyone in pursuit of a deeper understanding of the forgiving Love and Mercy of God. The text is interspersed with biblical quotations, reflections and anecdotes. As far as the quality of the text itself is concerned, it could be described using three “C”s: Catholic, Context-sensitive and Communicative i.e. Reader-Friendly.
Author: KANIYANTHARAYIL Dominic sdb
Year: 2013;
Pages: 210;
Price : ₹180, $ 10
The book “Hesed – Prayerful Reflections on the Mercy of God” is a collection of retreat talks that will supply sufficient material for reflection and meditation to anyone in pursuit of a deeper understanding of the forgiving Love and Mercy of God. The text is interspersed with biblical quotations, reflections and anecdotes. As far as the quality of the text itself is concerned, it could be described using three “C”s: Catholic, Context-sensitive and Communicative i.e. Reader-Friendly.
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