HINDUISM; Life and Thought an Introduction


This volume is an introduction, a manual on Hinduism’s history, life, and thought, written primarily for college students. Part I briefly explains the three stages of the Vedic Religion: Vedism, Brāhmanism, and Vedāntism. Only towards the last part of the Vedic era, the various Hindu philosophical schools, Nyaya-Vaiśeshika, Sämkhya, Yoga, Mīmāmsa, and Vedānta originated, which are exposed in Part II. Part III is dedicated to Bhagavad-gītā and its influence, especially in the popular religions of Hinduism. The Prevalent or Popular Religious Hinduism, viz., Vaishnavism, Śivaism, and Śaktism, and their understanding of the world, human destiny, rule of life, cultic, and sacramental life are explained in part IV. Finally, from the 19th century onwards, Hinduism witnessed a few reform movements giving rise to Neo-Hinduism, exposed in part V.

Year: 2021;
Pages: 389;
ISBN : 978-81-951504-5-8
Price ₹325, $ 12, € 10




This volume is an introduction, a manual on Hinduism’s history, life, and thought, written primarily for college students. Part I briefly explains the three stages of the Vedic Religion: Vedism, Brāhmanism, and Vedāntism. Only towards the last part of the Vedic era, the various Hindu philosophical schools, Nyaya-Vaiśeshika, Sämkhya, Yoga, Mīmāmsa, and Vedānta originated, which are exposed in Part II. Part III is dedicated to Bhagavad-gītā and its influence, especially in the popular religions of Hinduism. The Prevalent or Popular Religious Hinduism, viz., Vaishnavism, Śivaism, and Śaktism, and their understanding of the world, human destiny, rule of life, cultic, and sacramental life are explained in part IV. Finally, from the 19th century onwards, Hinduism witnessed a few reform movements giving rise to Neo-Hinduism, exposed in part V.


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