Roberto De Nobili’s Responsio (1610)


This book is a presentation of the rationale behind Roberto de Nobili’s attempts at reconciling the Gospel with the cultural milieu of India. In the face of stiff opposition both in India and Rome, he wrote an apology for his method. This was the beginning of the controversy which has come down in history as the Malabar Rites Controversy – a controversy which was to hamper missionary efforts in India for over 300 years. It must be considered a great contribution to the study of Christianity in India.

Author: ANCHUKANDAM Thomas sdb
Year: 1996;
Pages: 128;
ISBN : 978-81-87370-43-7
Price : ₹ 60, $ 5





This book is a presentation of the rationale behind Roberto de Nobili’s attempts at reconciling the Gospel with the cultural milieu of India. In the face of stiff opposition both in India and Rome, he wrote an apology for his method. This was the beginning of the controversy which has come down in history as the Malabar Rites Controversy – a controversy which was to hamper missionary efforts in India for over 300 years. It must be considered a great contribution to the study of Christianity in India.


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