Salesian Administration Today


Salesian Administration Today is a precious tool that brings together most of what is essential for the correct understanding and practice of administration in our houses. It is important that this manual be known and understood not just by the local economers, but also by every confrere and the laity who collaborate with us in administration. Clarity in these matters will go a long way in creating coherence, communion and understanding among the confreres …

Author: Salesian Provincial Economers of South Asia
Year: 2012;
Pages: 110;
ISBN : 978-81-87370-64-2
Price 80, $ 4


Salesian Provincial Economers of South Asia


Salesian Administration Today is a precious tool that brings together most of what is essential for the correct understanding and practice of administration in our houses. It is important that this manual be known and understood not just by the local economers, but also by every confrere and the laity who collaborate with us in administration. Clarity in these matters will go a long way in creating coherence, communion and understanding among the confreres …


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