Ten Green Commandments of Laudato Si’
Laudato Si’ is the longest of all papal encyclicals. The present volume is a modest attempt to gather together in a more accessible package the main themes of the ground-breaking encyclical of Pope Francis. This is done in terms of the “ten green commandments” for the care of our common home. These green commandments themselves follow the main outline of the six chapters of the encyclical and are arranged according to the scheme of the See-Judge-Act methodology increasingly used in social sciences.
Author: KUREETHADAM Joshtrom Issac sdb
Year: 2016;
Pages: 292;
ISBN : 978-81-87370-97-0
Price : ₹250, $ 12
Laudato Si’ is the longest of all papal encyclicals. The present volume is a modest attempt to gather together in a more accessible package the main themes of the ground-breaking encyclical of Pope Francis. This is done in terms of the “ten green commandments” for the care of our common home. These green commandments themselves follow the main outline of the six chapters of the encyclical and are arranged according to the scheme of the See-Judge-Act methodology increasingly used in social sciences.
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