Witnesses of the Love of God
Theological and Spiritual Reflections on the Preventive System of Don Bosco
This book José Luis Plascencia’s retreat talks to the 26th General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco- are an extraordinary theologico-spiritual reading of the Preventive System of Don Bosco. Repeatedly the author takes up well known themes such as Da Mihi animas, coetera tolle and “it is not enough to love” and plumbs their theological depths in a manner that is entirely unexpected and delightful. In ways that Don Bosco intuited, in ways that he never even suspected, the guiding lines of the educative system he left us begin to reveal their potential and wealth.
Author: PLASCENCIA MONCAYO José Luis sdb
Year: 2018;
Pages: 138;
ISBN : 978-81-936029-7-3
Price : ₹140, $8
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