Youthfully Yours: Life-Transforming Sessions and Retreats for Youth


This is resource book for youth ministry in your hand, you no longer have to feel that you cannot inspire the young or transform their lives because you are not a great speaker. Trained Youth ministers and experts in the field of youth animation are here to guide you in delivering these messages to the youth. The 18 sessions and the 12 Retreats presented in this book are designed to be experiential, interactive and life-changing nearly on every important issue related to the youth. It is an excellent resource for youth groups, youth campus, value education and catechism classes.

Author: KOROTH Sivy sdb
Year: 2010;
Pages: 226;
ISBN : 978-81-87370-58-1
Price ₹275


KOROTH Sivy sdb


This is resource book for youth ministry in your hand, you no longer have to feel that you cannot inspire the young or transform their lives because you are not a great speaker. Trained Youth ministers and experts in the field of youth animation are here to guide you in delivering these messages to the youth. The 18 sessions and the 12 Retreats presented in this book are designed to be experiential, interactive and life-changing nearly on every important issue related to the youth. It is an excellent resource for youth groups, youth campus, value education and catechism classes.


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