Echoing the Gospel in Dialogue With Naga Culture


“If the Christian faith is to be alive and conscious and active among the Naga People, It is necessary that the Gospel; message be presented to them in the language of their cultural underpinning”. With this hypothesis, the author has taken on a systematic journey to discover the cultural reality of the Naga tribes in the past and the present. He has then examined the ecclesial perspective of catechesis and inculturation, and coined certain general principles and tasks for inculturizing catechesis, and also proposed certain practical steps for a more relevant faith communication to the Naga people with a view to help them lead a more lively and lived Christian faith.

Author: PUTHANKUDY Sojan
Year: 2020;
Pages: 497;
ISBN : 978-91-943687-1-7
Price : ₹500, $ 20, € 16




“If the Christian faith is to be alive and conscious and active among the Naga People, It is necessary that the Gospel; message be presented to them in the language of their cultural underpinning”. With this hypothesis, the author has taken on a systematic journey to discover the cultural reality of the Naga tribes in the past and the present. He has then examined the ecclesial perspective of catechesis and inculturation, and coined certain general principles and tasks for inculturizing catechesis, and also proposed certain practical steps for a more relevant faith communication to the Naga people with a view to help them lead a more lively and lived Christian faith.


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