Faith- Focused Mentoring as a Paradigm for Youth Catechesis


The process of “Initiating the Young in Christian Competences, as the Manifestation of the Gospel Lifestyle, through Faith-focused Developmental Mentoring”, which, generally speaking, is the thematic area covered by this book. It serves as a tool to evoke an “experience of authentic Christian freedom”, whereby the young generation is empowered to deal critically and creatively with their concrete reality by seeking Christian meaning, identity and belongingness to a Community-of-Disciples while promoting regnocentric values.

Author: VALLABARAJ Jerome sdb
Year: 2012;
Pages: 378;
ISBN : 978-81-87370-71-0
Price ₹295, $ 12




The process of “Initiating the Young in Christian Competences, as the Manifestation of the Gospel Lifestyle, through Faith-focused Developmental Mentoring”, which, generally speaking, is the thematic area covered by this book. It serves as a tool to evoke an “experience of authentic Christian freedom”, whereby the young generation is empowered to deal critically and creatively with their concrete reality by seeking Christian meaning, identity and belongingness to a Community-of-Disciples while promoting regnocentric values.


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