History of Contemporary Western Philosophy
In this volume the author exposes briefly the most important movements of the History of Contemporary Western Philosophy and the main representatives in each of these movements: The First Opponents to Transcendental Idealism, Reaction and Transformation of Transcendental Idealism (Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Soren Kierkegaard), The Left Hegelians (David Strauss, Bruno Bauer, Max Stirner, Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx), Phenomenology (Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler), From Phenomenology to Existentialism (Martin Heidegger), Existentialism (Gabriel Marcel, Jean-Paul Sartre, Karl Jaspers), Personalism (Emmanuel Mounier), The Philosophy of Language (Ludwig ittgenstein, Bertrand Russell), Pragmatism (Charles Peirce, William James), Structuralism (Ferdinand Saussure, Claude Levi- Strauss, Jacques Lacan, Louis Pierre Althusser).
Year: 2019;
Pages: 389;
ISBN : 978-81-939095-6-0
Price : ₹300, $ 10
In this volume the author exposes briefly the most important movements of the History of Contemporary Western Philosophy and the main representatives in each of these movements: The First Opponents to Transcendental Idealism, Reaction and Transformation of Transcendental Idealism (Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Soren Kierkegaard), The Left Hegelians (David Strauss, Bruno Bauer, Max Stirner, Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx), Phenomenology (Edmund Husserl, Max Scheler), From Phenomenology to Existentialism (Martin Heidegger), Existentialism (Gabriel Marcel, Jean-Paul Sartre, Karl Jaspers), Personalism (Emmanuel Mounier), The Philosophy of Language (Ludwig ittgenstein, Bertrand Russell), Pragmatism (Charles Peirce, William James), Structuralism (Ferdinand Saussure, Claude Levi- Strauss, Jacques Lacan, Louis Pierre Althusser).
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