Postmodernity, Globalization and the Sacrament of Reconciliation


This book will contribute towards the articulation of a liturgical rite that reflects, not only the theology of the sacrament, but also one that celebrates the reconciliation already experienced as well as leading to deeper reconciliation – a rite that links the lex credendi, lex orandi, and lex vivendi.

Author: KALATHIKATTIL Alex sdb
Year: 2010;
Pages: 505;
ISBN : 978-81-87370-56-7
Price ₹300, $ 20




This book will contribute towards the articulation of a liturgical rite that reflects, not only the theology of the sacrament, but also one that celebrates the reconciliation already experienced as well as leading to deeper reconciliation – a rite that links the lex credendi, lex orandi, and lex vivendi.


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